Orbital Green/Brown Tour Nottingham

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So tonight was the third night, for me, of Orbital’s Green/Brown tour. Friday night was Birmingham and last night was London.

So another day another early start, I left home about 10:20 and headed to pick up Aimée, Lucy and Badger from Jane's house. Jon-Michael had already left as he had flight back to Denver via Reykjavik, although when he got to Heathrow he discovered that his flight was not from there but from Gatwick. Fortunately there was another flight from Heathrow that would get him to Reykjavik in time to catch his connection. Unfortunately this was not cheap. We set off from Jane's and round our way up to Nottingham.

Arriving in Nottingham we got to the pub where the meet up was going to be. Matt (a different Matt) was just packing so I headed over with the gang so that they could put there bags in his car as we were going different ways after the gig. I then left them to head to the meet up pub while I went and visited friends for an hour.

Later I also headed to the meet up pub, The Old Angel which is also a micro brewery. I tried to order a beer but the first 4 I selected they had run out of and was all good with my fifth choice. The pub also had DJs playing in the afternoon the first of which was not really our kind of music but the second one, who was also going to see Orbital, played an Orbital set which was much more (or perfect) to our liking, seen at the back holding Midnight/Choice 12". We left the pub about 18:40 to head to the venue.

Upon arriving at the venue there was already a queue of about 60-70 people ther security were great and we were in within minutes. I love Rock City as a venue, in fact it's probably my favourite venue in the country, is wide but not very deep so if you're at the back there are probably only 25-30 people in front of you. The stage is also only about 50 cm high, which means rather than loooking up at the artists you're than likely making eye-contact with them.

The set, while exactly the same as the previous nights, was absolutely fantastic. Lucy has proclaimed it as her favourite Orbital gig of all time. I have come to the conclusion that when the ewoks are playing stormtrooper helmets at the end of Return of the Jedi what they are actually playing is Macro Head. My other epiphany of the evening is the icons shown during Torpedo Town are the buttons that Paul presses on his iPad.

At the beginning of Remind Matt Booker said to me:

this better get dirty

And right on cue there it was layers of dirty acid noises.

The version of Walk now to Walk about far out did the previous two night's, if this pattern continues all I can say to my friends who are going to the Dublin gig is wear a nappy you're likely to soil yourselves.

I did think that as it was a Sunday the may have played Sunday rather than Monday, perhaps they'll fix that in Dublin.

At the beginning of the encore Phil came out and put on his wig, for Spicey, which is looking more and more like a dead Badger as the tour goes on. He later told me that it's a Tina Turner wig but I have no idea why.

Then into the encore they played Satan, which Paul slowed right down in tempo until it exploded into a cacophony of sound and lights. I believe that out of the 104 Orbital gigs I've attended that this version of Satan is the absolute best.

Tony and I left early, due to 3 nights of dancing and having to get up early yet again to go to Alton Towers. While working round to the car park we passed the tour bus and who should appear but Phil. There were a bunch of kids (19 year olds), who told us that they were in a band a bit like Radiohead and asked me if I'd heard of Radiohead (lol). They were very passionate about the gig and told Phil how it was the best gig they'd every been to. They asked for signatures and photos and selfies off of Phil. Then one of them ask phil "Can I ask you a question", Phils response was hilarious. Eventually they asked can we make a video and said to Phil can you please say Listen to [Band name]. To which he replied I'm not doing that you might be white supremacist.

Quality night and I may go to Manchester next Saturday… (from future me, I did indeed go to Manchester).


Nottingham Photos

Set List

Orbital Setlist O2 Institute, Birmingham, England, Green / Brown Album Tour 2024