Mexico holiday day 7

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Woke up this morning feeling must better, which is great news as we had organised a day trip to Teotihuacan with Get Your Guide. It started super early as we needed to meet at Sheraton Mexico City Maria Isabel Hotel at 8:30am.

When we got there the hotel was right by the The Angel of Independence. When we got there there were loads of people waiting around to be picked up for various tours. The minibus coming to pick us up was late, we later found out that this was due to there being a protest, the president had promised to renationalise electricity and he'd not done this so rightly so the Mexicans were upset about this. We saw 2 other couples waiting around and the first couple Susan said, I bet they are British. She was bang on not only were they British but they also worked in TV and they knew people Susan knew, there were in Mexcio filming a survival reality show for Netflix, which didn't yet have a show title. The Second couple were from Brooklyn and one of them was also called Dave.

Eventually our transport arrived and for the next hour we had a very slow journey picking up the others on the tour from 2 more hotels, slow due to the protests which I was no unhappy about as nationalisation of electricity is a really important thing (hint hint Kier Starmer).

The first stop on our tour was Tlatelolco which used to be a Pyramide until the Spanish came along and dismantled it to build Templo de Santiago apóstol. Also in this square 2 October 1968 between 30 and 300 students and civilians were killed and there is now a memorial to these people, this happen 10 days before the start of the Olympics.

Next we headed to Teotihuacan, en route we passed a sculpture of The Watchman by Jorge Marín also along the way there is a town where all the houses have been painted to represent Dr Simi who is a local doctor who owns a chain of pharmacies.

Before arriving at Teotihuacan we stopped off at a crafts place where they explained about the local plants and stones mostly obsidian and we also had a tequila and mezcal tasting.

Teotihuacan was truly amazing we saw the Pyramide of the Moon and the Pyramide of the Sun, I'd say a must see if you are ever in Mexico City.

Following this we went for lunch which was not bad for and lunch spot for tourists. During lunch we were treated to Mariachi band and some aztec dancers, who set fire to their hands.

The final stop of the day we visited Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe which was erected in 1972 on the site of the 4 appearance of the virgin Mary. There were many church in this area but the main church was built to hold 80,000 people and has millions of visitors a year.


Photo of the day

Aztec Calendar

Today's photo albums

Day 7 album

Teotihuacan Pyramides album

Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe album