Mexico holiday day 4

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Today was the eclipse day, pretty much the main reason that we made this trip to be honest. When we woke up both of us were felling pretty shitty (pun intended). So we decided that we weren't going to make the eclipse breakfast that we'd booked on a roof top of a restaurant in Centro Historico Mazatlán so we stayed in our apartment. After going to the shop to get water on the way back I noticed that the apartment had a flat roof so I contacted Britza the host/owner and asked if we could access the roof, she immediately came back and said "of course you are more than welcome. The view from up there was fantastic.

When the eclipse came the sky went from pink to red to dark in about 30 seconds and the eclipse was everything that I'd hoped for. I didn't take any photos of the totality as I'd commissioned NASA with all their telescopes, airplanes and spaceships to do that for me.

After the eclipse I went out for a walk to find some bland food for us to eat. I walked down to the beach and had a mooch, Before returning to give Susan some food.

During my walk there was a Mexican TV News crew and they asked me if I could be interviewed about the eclipse. This went terribly wrong and eventually didn't happen when they realised that I could speak zero Spanish.

When it go to about 6pm I was pretty hungry so I went out to find food, Susan didn't feel up for it. Earlier in the day Britza had sent me a bunch of food recommendations, so I decided to go for a chinese that she'd recommended. As I walked along the seafront the sun was setting and there were people everywhere. On the beach there were mariachi bands and I have seen more sousaphone today the the rest of my 54 years combined. This confirmed to me that I could never live here, especially if this sound is anything to go by.

When I got to the Chinese it was shut, so I thought i'd checkout, El Presidio Cocina de México, the place we'd booked for the eclipse breakfast. It also was shut.

Next door however there was a Mezcalita (Bar specialising in Mezcal), I enquired if they were doing food and sat down and looked at the menu. When the waiter came I said I'd have the Steak sandwich, "we have no bread" he replied. I asked for a few more minutes. On the menu was something called Elotes, I googled this and found that it was a corn dish. I confirmed with the waiter that this was so and ordered Elote with sirloin, thinking I'd get a corn with a steak. When it arrived it was a corn soup with steak in it and it was delicious.

Then I returned to Susan, with supplies. We then chilled on the sofa and watched Masterchef & Gogglebox.


Photo of the day

Tree grown around a door in Centro Historico Mazatlán

Today's photo albums

Eclipse photos

NASA Eclipse photos

BBC photos of eclipse

Day 4 photos around Mazatlán