Mexico holiday day 3

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Luckily last night I found the Japanese Grand Prix on Mexican TV. The race started at 11pm local time, although it did not help that on the first lap there was a crash and the barriers needing repairing. The commentary on BBC radio just said "I bet all those who got up at 5am are now a bit pissed off" or words to those effect. Unfortunately the race was pretty dull and I finally got to go to sleep and almost 2am. Surprisingly enough the Mexican commentary was very swayed to one driver, but quite funny trying to work out exactly what they were saying.

This morning I got up and went exploring to find some pastries for our breakfast. Again it would appear that Mexicans do not do mornings and the streets were deserted yet again. I walked again in the direction of the Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral hoping to find the square with very few people. On the way I came across a super-bakery here there was every baked good you can imagine. It took me a while but I notice, eventually, that all the customers were carrying trays and piling them high with cakes, croissants, cookies and danishes. So I grabbed myself a tray and started piling, I just could not choose.

It also turns out that every Sunday in Mexico City there is an unofficial marathon in the Centro Historico and there were runners everywhere when I got there. The other thing I noticed when I got to the square was the Policia were being inspected before they started there work day.

When I got back to the hotel, Susan was not feeling great (not my story to tell), so we decided to go to the airport early. Upon arriving I used my pigeon-spanish to communicate with the airline staff to find out if we could check in our bags early and get through security. Once through I went into discovery mode to find an airport lounge that we could hide in until our flight was ready.

The lounge (Grand Lounge Elite), situated at gate 19, was brilliant, brilliant WiFi, food, drinks and reclining chairs. They also offered us manicures and pedicures. But best of all they provided us with a golf buggy to take us to our gate when we are ready.

The golf buggy ride through the airport was excellent, especially as the gate was a long way from the lounge.

Trying to understand the announcements was pretty difficult, even though we have been learning Spanish on Duolingo, they just speak so fast and there is no snail button for people like in Duolingo. In the end there was a great deal of live translating messages through my camera and now I know for the rest of the flights.

In the airports there are signs telling you what to do incase of an earthquake, a fire or a hurricane.

The flight to Monterrey was about 1 hour 30 mins and at Monterrey we were guided to a shuttle bus that took us to the other terminal for our connection to Mazatlán. It turns out that couple from Cambridge we met on day 1 we on our flights too although they didn't recognise us even though I was wear a distinctive hat. While awaiting the flight the staff appeared to be playing kiss chase, which was great fun to watch.

The flight to Mazatlán was great and took just over an hour. When we landed I checked that our bags had also come to the same place, I have AirTags in each of our checked in bags which is brilliant to know that your bags are following you. The baggage claim was super fast and we were soon out and queueing for a taxi. The queue was just to pay for the taxi, we did try getting an Uber but there were none. Once we paid we were then directed outside to queue for the actual taxi. It's a good system and secure in paying, but not when 100s of people are traveling to see the eclipse. Even so from landing to our apartment it was just over an hour.

Tired and exhausted we just went to bed.


Photo of the day

A canopy of parasols in Chinatown Mexico City

Today's photo album

Day 3 album