Mexico holiday day 10

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Today was our last day in Mexico City and we still weren't feeling 100%, so a chilled day in our apartment.

After a long lie in bed, I got up and went to investigate the coffee shop we walked past on the way back from the Argentinian restaurant. Their coffee was excellent.

Around lunch time I went for a walk around Polanco, which is very similar to Kensington in London loads of luxury brands and high end car show rooms. I went back to the Ukiyo café coffee shop I visited on day 8, sat there and had a cortado again superb coffee.

In Mexico there is a national election on 2 Jun 2024. All around the city there are banners and posters showing the candidates, there are thousands of these, like every lamp post, bridge, spare space that can be found. Today I witnessed in Polanco that at the junctions when lights turned red people were being paid to walk out into the road and hold up banners for political parties.

When I got back to our apartment we watched Mexican TV, first there was an American Football version of rugby 7 called Overtime 7. The teams playing were Midwest Boom versus Raw Miami, the final score was 28 - 32 Raw Miami won on a Golden ticket. Then we watched Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers in spanish, I could make out most of what was said but really highlighted how great an actor Robert De Niro really is.

At the end of the day we went to Saks for an evening meal, we asked to be inside and we were the only customer inside, it was like having the whole restaurant to ourselves.


Photo of the day

Bicycle decorated with flowers in Polanco

Today's photo albums

Day 10 album