Orbital Green/Brown Tour Manchester

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So tonight was the fourth night, for me, of Orbital’s Green/Brown tour. The previous weekend I attended:

So I wasn't sure about going to this, even though I really wanted. Firstly after the Nottingham show I went to Alton Towers with Tony, Aimée, Lucy and Matt, it was amazing we didn't need queue very long for any of the roller coasters and we managed 14 rides throughout the day. On the Wednesday I went to All Day Hey, which as always was fabulous although it did involve a great deal of free alcohol. So by Friday I was not feeling the best and sleep deprived.

When Saturday (the day of the gig) arrived I was feeling much better. I'd been offered a cheap ticket and we looked on Twickets for Sarah and there were two tickets for £22.80 (half price). Sarah only needed one so I messaged my pal Paul in Manchester to see if he wanted to join us too. He'd already decided that he was going to the pre-gig meet to see Lucy so it was pretty easy to persuade him.

We headed from Greetland (near Halifax) to Manchester and parked at the Premier Inn which was only £6.25 for 24hrs, on match days (it's across the road from Old Trafford) it's £20, and it's also across the road from Victoria Warehouse.

We headed across the Manchester Ship Canal to Kargo MKT for the pre-gig meetup. Kargo MKT was excellent loads of different street food stalls, Sarah and I both choose Korean Fried Chicken which was brilliant even though I did totally over order.

At 6:40pm we headed over to the venue, for some reason they had a zigzag queue system even though there was no one queueing. So I explained that I had arthritis and then walked past the zigzags, which they then removed.

We needn't have gone so early as Orbital were 15 mins late coming on stage, which later had a knock on effect. We were right down the front as usual and tonight there was plenty of space to Dance, especially during the first set the second set there was definitely quite a few more people down the front. This is probably due to the late comers that delayed the start.

Tonight Orbital had a special (Mancunian) guest, Mike Garry appear on stage during the end of Belfast and they transitioned to Tonight in Belfast.

In the second half of the show the version of Remind was absolutely fabulous, loads of acid and my favourite version of the tour. Tonight's version of Walk now to Walk about and Monday were much shorted than the previous nights of the tour, we deduced that this was due to the late start, which was a great shame.

We didn't hang around tonight after the show as Sarah and I needed to get back to Greetland and every one else was getting up early to go to the final show in Dublin. Lots were trying to persuade me to go too and as much as I did want to I hadn't been home of a week and I didn't have my passport so it wasn't even an option.

Over all I am delighted that I went, it was a great night and the tour has been fantastic. Until next time, hopefully a Snivilisation tour. Other than the festival sets I still have this year, but they will be very different.


Manchester Photos

Set List

Orbital Setlist O2 Victoria Warehouse, Manchester, England, Green / Brown Album Tour 2024